Yantai Development Zone "Three Parks" Global Webcast Investment Promotion Conference was held.

2020-05-11 10:18:00

On the morning of May 11, with the theme of "Seizing New Opportunities in the Free Trade Era to Create a New Highland for Openness and Cooperation", Yantai Development Zone held a global webcast of China-Korea Industrial Park, China-Japan Industrial Park, and International Merchants Industrial Park at the Golden Beach Hilton Hotel Investment promotion conference. More than 300 people from the "three categories" top 500 and key enterprise representatives, international investment consultants, representatives of overseas students, national-level talents, in talks, projects under construction, and relevant persons in charge of intermediary agencies attended the event, and more than one million domestic and foreign merchants , Entrepreneurs and netizens participate in the form of live web video.

Yantai Development Zone will strive to build a new industrial platform and bring together Chinese and foreign businessmen to create a great cause. Based on a sound manufacturing foundation, the development zone is accelerating the cultivation of ten outstanding industrial clusters such as consumer electronics, automobiles, new chemical materials, biomedicine, intelligent manufacturing, and semiconductors. Comprehensively plan to build ten strategic sectors to promote the rise of the two economic zones, the Bajiao Bay Central Innovation Zone and the Marine Economic Innovation Zone are coordinated, and the "two science and technology innovation corridors" of the Central Cishan International Research Corridor and the Central East Island International Science and Education Corridor will promote each other A win-win situation, the ancient, modern and octagonal "two major cultural and tourism new cities" are integrated, and the "two major industrial parks" of China, South Korea and China and Japan have been upgraded. The development zone eagerly hopes that more people of insight will take the project and capital to invest in the development zone, participate in the development of the development zone, promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry, and show their skills and achieve success in the development zone.

Our general manager Mr. Zhan Zhenyang attended this signing ceremony
In the future, we will give full play to and effectively utilize the various resource advantages in Russia, and introduce more high-quality projects with large investment scale, good economic benefits, and high technological content to settle in Yantai Development Zone.